Workerholic - 2017

workerholic Workerholic is an efficient and scalable Background Job Processor I built from scratch with two teammates. The story behind Workerholic is about of how we decided to shed some light on Background Job Processors. We started by developing a deeper understanding about the use for a Background Job Processor (BJP), then we identified the most popular ones in the Ruby-ecosystem, and finally, we built one from scratch.


  • Concurrency, parallel processing, and custom algorithms such as ASP (Adaptive and Successive Provisioning) algorithm, effectively putting Workerholic’s performance on par with Sidekiq’s
  • Takes full advantage of Redis and its features (data types, efficiency, DB snapshots)
  • High configurability through an easy-to-use CLI
  • Provides a Web UI displaying real-time and historical data for up to a year
  • Integrates with Rails and ActiveJob
  • Runs on multiple Ruby implementations (MRI and JRuby)
